Since 1964 Paustian has represented some of the most celebrated and renowned furniture designs for homes and organizations. We are retailers, distributors and manufactures. We are consultants, curators and designers.
Paustian was founded by Ole Paustian in 1964. Ole Paustian became co-owner of the company his father had owned since 1937.
The store, which was located on Vesterbrogade no. 67, sold various stock items as well as the horse blanket fabric. As co-owner and head of day-to-day operations, Ole Paustian, along with his wife Monika Paustian, began turning his father’s shop into a furniture store, and it became the beginning of the Paustian we know today.
Ole and Monika Paustian became personally friends with a number of international designers; including Alvar Aalto and Ray and Charles Eames, which furniture were sold in their store.
Ole and Monika Paustian also did a lot of other things which didn’t have anything with furniture sales to do. Exhibition of Herman Miller, jazz concerts with Svend Asmussen and several international names who played at Montmartre became part of their daily work.
In 1985 Ole Paustian invited Jørn Utzon to design a showroom building on the Copenhagen waterfront as an extension to one of his warehouses. Utzon sent design sketches to his sons Jan and Kim who produced final drawings and construction plans.
Inspiration for the design came to Utzon while he was walking through a forest of beech trees. The airy, three-storey building with extensive exhibition space is indeed reminiscent of a forest. Standing on the edge of the harbour, its external pillars give it a temple-like appearance. Inside, tall white fan-topped columns stretch up to the ceiling where they are connected by geometrical archways. Utzon’s son Kim, who helped with the original plans, went on to expand the complex with two new buildings housing a restaurant and a yacht club as well as extensions to the showrooms. Utzon’s daughter Lin contributed to the interior decoration including the blue tiling along the wooden staircasesIn 2010 Jørn Utzon’s son, Architect Kim Utzon, designed an extension which beautifully completes the original building.
In September 2021 the Utzon House is closed and moved to Paustian V/ Strøget in the heart of Copenhagen.

It all started on Vesterbrogade in Copenhagen, where Ole Paustian founded the Paustian furniture store in 1964. Over the years, Ole and Monika Paustian have built up the Paustian brand.

Since 2017 architect educated Entrepreneur Frantz Longhi has been co-owner and CEO of Paustian. Among other things, Frantz Longhi is known for having bought the design company Kähler in 2008 and made it national heritage again. He is also behind the award-winning design firm Warm Nordic, which is also sold at Paustian.
Over time, Paustians has developed a wide range of competence areas, and appears today as a very complex company with:
• Paustian Retail/Web
• Paustian Wholesale
• Paustian Contract
• Paustian Furniture & Design Collection
• Paustian Snedkeri (carpentry)
Regardless of whether it is about providing a dining room table or workstations for 600 people, it takes a good sense of both design and function. It requires an eye for detail, knowledge of materials, and the ability to put it all together in the right way. It demands a respect for tradition and the courage to think in new ways.
Over the years our various collaborations with some of the world’s best designers and furniture manufacturers have lead to strong partnerships. Paustian is exclusive distributor of Viccarbe in Denmark, and we carry a wide range of leading brands and designers – both Danish and international.
Our eye for design and quality has a strong presence in our own furniture collection – Paustian Furniture Collection. The collection is designed and created by Danish architects and designers, and large portions of our pieces are manufactured in our own factory, Paustian Snedkeri in Grenå, Denmark.