Costume Skønheds favoritter 2019
Costume Skønhedsfavoritter 2019 hos Paustian v/ Strøget
Der var morgenmad, bobler og harpespil på programmet, da vinderne af Costume Skønhedsfavoritter 2019 blev fejret til en hyggelig morgenevent hos Paustian v/ Strøget den 1. november.
Søren Le Schmidt SS20 Fashion Show
The Søren Le Schmidt SS20 fashion show took place at Paustian in Nordhavn – A stunning show and a fantastic collection!
The Danish designer is primarily known for his original and distinguished style, as well as his skilful tailoring.
Enjoy a sneak peek on the Søren Le Schmidt SS20 show below.
Byens Bedste Mode og Design 2019

Byens Bedste Mode og Design 2019
We are honoured that our new flagship store Paustian v/ Strøget has won the title as the ‘Best Fashion and Design Store’ in Copenhagen by Berlingske, AOK. Thanks for all your votes!

3 Days of Design 2019
3 Days of Design at Paustian v/Strøget
During 3 Days of Design Paustian /Strøget hosted a design talk by Spanish designer Jaime Hayon, in collaboration with Parachilna.
Paustian presented the new 2019 Kvadrat / Raf Simons collection of textiles in a Paustian Furniture Collection exhibition with design icons like the Paustian Modular Sofa, in a Phlox upholstery from Kvadrat/Raf Simons 2019, and also launched the Paustian 2R Cabinet System in new signature colors and with legs, as well as the Paustian Ensemble Sofa as a corner sofa.
Furthermore, Paustian hosted a Warm Nordic design talk with two of the designer from ‘Danmarks næste klassiker’; Rikke Frost and Janus Larsen, moderated by Frantz Longhi, CEO and co-owner Paustian, and owner Warm Nordic. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Hans Olsen, Paustian presented a Warm Nordic special exhibition with Hans Olsens iconic furniture in a sustainable Kvadrat upholstery.
During the 3 design days, Paustian also showed news from Vitra and Artek first presented in Salone del Mobile in Milan 2019, including the Eames Fiberglass Armchair, that will be available this fall, and Artek’s Atelier Chair, designed by TAF Studio. Paustian also presented ColoRing, a collection of Alvar Aalto’s classic Stool 60, Bench and Tea Trolley in a new finish by Japanese designer and architect Jo Nagasaka, launched on the occasion of the centennial of diplomatic relations between Finland and Japan.
VERPAN FOR PRADA: Inflatable Stool

Fredag den 15. marts lancerede vi Verpan for Pradas Inflatable Stool hos Paustian v/ Strøget.
VERPAN for PRADA Inflatable Stool er en eksklusiv re-issue af det ikoniske 1960’er design designet af Verner Panton, produceret udelukkende af VERPAN til PRADA i anledning af PRADA SS2019 Men’s & Women’s modeshow. Inflatable Stool fremtræder i sit materiale lys og gennemsigtig, og er designet til at være et mobilt og fleksibelt møbel der tilpasser sig forskellige forhold og rum. Inflatable Stool bærer en unik VERPAN for PRADA signatur. VERPAN for PRADA Inflatable Stool er kun til salg i en begrænset periode udelukkende gennem udvalgte VERPAN-forhandlere.
I København forhandles stolen eksklusivt hos Paustian v/ Strøget samt Utzonhuset i Nordhavn.

HOFMANN AW19 Fashion Show
The Hofmann AW19 fashion show took place at Paustian v/Strøget last week, a stunning show and an amazing collection.
Enjoy a sneak peek on the Hofmann AW19 show below.
Jewellery Room Fashion Dinner
Under modeugen blev The Jewellery Rooms fashion dinner afholdt i Paustians nye Concept Store, Paustian v/Strøget.
Middagen blev afholdt i samarbejde med Social Works, Copenhagen Fashion Week, a Table Story, Sushi Lovers og Mikkeller, og blandt gæsterne var en lang række danske og internationale influencers.
Paustian v/Strøget
Paustians nye designunivers v/Strøget i København
I smukke, pallazzo-agtige lokaler, der fra 1868 husede en bank, åbnede Paustian 1. december et state of the art designunivers med designikoner, møbler og accessories, fra både internationale og nordiske brands.
Paustians nye, spændende concept store ved Strøget i København, samler både designklassikere og nyt spændende design i de unikke, gamle banklokaler på bagsiden af Postgården i Købmagergade, og igen placerer Paustian centralt på designscenen i det indre København – lige over for Helligåndskirken og tæt ved Gråbrødre Torv.
I smukke søjlebårne, højloftede lokaler huser Paustian et stort udvalg af både nordisk og internationalt design – fra klassiske designikoner fra blandt andre Vitra, Artek og Cassina til nye accessories, livsstilsprodukter og designobjekter fra nye og upcoming brands – som det netop prisbelønned upcoming designbrand Warm Nordic. De gamle banklokaler er transformeret til et moderne designunivers i nye smukke farver i samspil med de originale gyldne søjler, marmorvægge og træpaneler, der leder tankerne hen på Milanos smukke pallazzo’er.
Blandt nye brands er Cloud 7, Ferm Living, Frama, iittala, Kasia Lilja Studio, Kristina Dam Studio, Karakter, Le Klint, Maria Black, Menu, Mismo, Moebe, Native Union, Nedre Foss Collections, New Mags, Notem-Studio, Postulina / Gudbjorg Karadotti, Raawii, Stoff Copenhagen, Sigrun, Skandinavisk, Shade m.f.
Paustian Magazine 01
Take a break and do some reading...
Be inspired by our editorials stories about design, architecture and trends. Interviews with exciting profiles like Pernille Teisbæk and Marianne Goebl, Managing Director of Artek and the amazing Danish artist duo Wang & Söderström who have collaborated with Nike, Burberry and Selfridges – click here to read the magazine.
Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.
- William Morris
What goes around comes around
This first bi-annual issue of Paustian Magazine that you’re about to embark upon is a tangible extension of Paustian; a display of pioneer-ship told through resounding voices of the past, present and future, and a platform for engagement and a source of inspiration for the game changers of tomorrow.
Frantz Longhi
CEO, Paustian
Weird is good for humans. We like to weird things up as a contrast to the constant strive for perfection.
— Wang & Söderström

What you’re about to see is hard to define, but impossible to ignore.
Step inside the wonderful and wicked world of Wang & Söderström.
There’s just something about the works of Wang & Söderström. It’s hard to put your finger on exactly what it is, but it leaves you with an overpowering urge to dive headfirst into their alternative universe of shapes, sizes, colours, anti-gravity, et cetera. The Swedish duo is tightroping the fine line between chaos and control, and so far they’re keeping perfect balance by questioning everything, both in the ‘real’ and digital world, creating a perfect, un-perfect blend of hyperreality. It all makes very little sense in all the right ways.
Assuming the roles of puppet masters, pulling the three-dimensional strings, are Anny Wang & Tim Söderström. Since setting up shop together in 2016, the visionary pair have created their very own, idiosyncratic style that is set in a hyperrealistic (the inability to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality) world without rules or limitations, but often inspired by the imperfections of the ‘real’ one, inhabited by you, me and anyone but Anny & Tim, who still visit occasionally. Read more >
Art Meets Architecture